
I made a very exciting discovery over the Christmas holidays... while I was killing some time window shopping I discovered that there is now a stockist for Konad in Hurstville (Sydney). For anyone that happens to be in the area, it's in the little arcade that runs underground between Westfield and Forest rd. It looks like a normal clothing store, but they have all the Konad behind the counter. Seeing as I've still been using my cheap Essence stamping kit I bought in Germany, I decided to pick myself up a new stamper and 2 plates. As well as my little kit has done me, you can really tell the difference in quality. I still suck at stamping, but I suck less now!

So here was my first go at using my new toys - with the S6 plate, Essence black stampy polish over China Glaze 2nite. (Sorry for my super blurry photos - my camera went walkabout and iPhone just doesn't do a decent macro!)

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