Opallac Sheer Gels

Sorry I have been a little MIA the last couple of weeks - nothing worse than bloggers who simply vanish! Whoops. 2 weeks ago I had surgery for my endometriosis which then had me on my back sleeping for a week to recover, and then my poor hubby unexpectedly went into hospital for a week - he's fine now but dang it's been a full on fortnight! So I posted these polishes a few weeks ago and hadn't gotten to posting them on here. But this is the latest offering from Opallac. These are 3 sheer nude gel polishes. I have to admit when I heard they were releasing sheer nudes I was kind of dreading what they would be like, I was imagining something like those watery boring pinks you use for french polishes. I know they have a time and place in the world, but there are only so many I need in my collection.
So I was VERY surprised when I went to swatch these and realised that they wen't like that at all, and are far closer to a milk bath nail. 2 coats gives you a good dose of colour, but just enough sheerness to make them elegant. I find particularly with white polishes that they can be a little glaring and you can see every little mistake in the application, especially around the cuticle. But you just don't get that with these! This means that they are the perfect cover-up if you want something really subtle on your nails, but the are also the PERFECT base for nail art - especially Fluffy Bunny.
The 3 shades are: Fluffy Bunny - white, Dear Sheer - Pink, Barely There - pink/orange nude.
Each of the swatches here are 2 coats with a top coat over clear acrylic nails.
Do you need all 3 in your life, maybe not, but you 100% need one of them and I think the 3 shades should cover all skin tones.
Check out Opallac's range over at their website here, or at Priceline.
Fluffy Bunny

Dear Sheer
Barely There
Nail art foil over Fluffy Bunny
The super adorable kit they sent out!