Femme Fatale Suspended Starlight

Ever since I saw Lynderella's The stars in her eyes... I've had my heart set on getting a polish with stars and moons in it. There are a few around at the moment but this is the one that caught my eye - Suspended Starlight from Femme Fatale Cosmetics. Every swatch I've seen of it had such depth, and when I tried it myself I wasn't disappointed! I layered 2 coats over China Glaze DV8. There is so much going on in this polish one coat is really all you need (and it's so packed with glitter that I found it got quite thick once I had top coat as well). And the best part is that it didn't require any dabbing to get it to look pretty! I think that's a first for shaped glitter. Apart from the moons and stars, there is a mix of different blue glitters, in both size and shade, all suspended in a dark blue base.

Femme Fatale Cosmetics are available from http://femmefatalecosmetics.com.au/

Look at all those pretty different types of glitter!